
Saturday, November 5, 2011

Cozy up for a relaxing weekend...

The weekend is here, and while I'm not so sure where the week went...I'm sure glad it's over cause I'm exhausted and looking forward to weekend full of relaxation!

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You know what that means. The fall air is crisp and fresh and all I can think about is cozying up to the fireplace and grabbing a nice hot cocoa (with ALL the fixins) to settle in for the weekend.

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So here's pretty much where you'll find me....

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Today, I'm linking up with Amanda at Serenity Now for her "Weekend Bloggy Reading".  What a great place to catch up on all the latest and find some insiration for recipes, home decorating and fashion! I'm so excited....C'mon over and join us for a great weekend!

Weekend Bloggy Reading

See ya next week!!

1 comment:

Thanks so much for leaving me a comment. Each one I receive is like a sweet little gift! I look forward to reading each one.